This goes without saying, but winter driving is one of the most hazardous driving conditions there can be. The visibility is poor, there is no traction, and it’s freezing outside! These types of conditions can turn a typical drive into quite the safety hazard.
1. Icy Roads (Black Ice)
Ice is probably going to be the biggest danger out there when it comes to winter driving, especially black ice. Black ice can look like normal pavement and it’s some of the most slippery ice there is. Be sure to ALWAYS keep your distance behind other drivers during winter as you never know when you can hit a patch of ice and crash into them! You can also purchase a set of winter tires to greatly improve your tires grip on ice.
2. Darker Earlier
Those evening drives on your way home from work will now be in the dark and to top it off during winter! Make sure you are driving at a speed you feel comfortable with and always do tests to make sure your brights are functioning properly.
3. Cold Temperatures
If your vehicle is ever in-operable during the winter and you’re stranded not knowing when help is going to arrive, you’re going to need to keep warm and fed somehow. Make sure to always pack these 10 essential items in your vehicle so that if you’re ever caught in the cold you can keep warm and fed.
4. Low Visibility
With the darkness and flurries of snow during the winter months comes low visibility. Make sure you are always taking your time and watching out for wildlife on the road. If the visibility is very poor due to the winter conditions, pull over and wait for it to pass over. Risking your life is never worth getting somewhere quicker.
5. Traffic
Traffic during winter tends to be quite sporadic. There are drivers that are very scared and driving very slow, then there are drivers who seem to be in a hurry that drive unsafely. Just try to always move with the current speed of traffic and give people their space when your following behind.
Now when you are faced with these winter driving conditions hopefully you remember this list and can handle these dangers safely.