It can be easy to save money on your power bill and fancy gadgets aren’t required. Some simple changes can help save a decent amount of money on your bill each month. There are many ways to save money and reduce your power costs, we’ve compiled 5 of them below.
1. Unplug items you’re not using: This may seem like a no brainer but so many people aren’t fully turning off items when they aren’t in use. Just because an electronic is “off” doesn’t mean it isn’t still using power. Most appliances suck power even if they are turned off. Power bars can help with power usage as long as you are turning them off when the items aren’t in use. Another fool proof way to stop using so much power is to simply unplug items when you aren’t using them.
2. Program your thermostat: If you have a programmable thermostat setting the house to a warmer temperature during the day and cooling the house off at night when you are home can help reduce costs a fair amount. By only using the A/C when you are at home will reduce the amount of money you are spending to cool your house down in the hot summer months.
- Avoid using frigid air conditioning temperatures: Keeping your house at a more manageable temperature will reduce how often you’re A/C is working to keep your house cool.
- Turn off your A/C when you’re not using it: Seems simple enough, if you are away for the weekend turn your A/C off to avoid spending money to cool your house when you aren’t even there using it.
3. Do full loads in the washing machine: Your washing machine uses the same amount of power regardless of the load size. Maximizing your load capacity will reduce the amount of money you are paying to wash each item and by washing more of your clothes each load you will need to run the washer less.
- Use cold water when cleaning clothes: Using cold water to wash your clothing will save you money by not having to use extra energy to heat the water being used to wash your clothing.
- Hang your clothes to dry outside: Eliminate the need to use your dryer by hanging your clothing on a line outside. The wind and sun will help to naturally dry your clothing and save you money.
4. Heavy drapes on your windows: Covering your windows with heavy drapes will reduce how much sun and warmth can get into your house. This will help to keep your house cooler reducing the need for air conditioning. This trick can be used in reverse in the winter, allowing the heat to come in during the day and cold out at night.
5. Opening your windows at night and keeping your windows shut during the day will help keep in the cool air in your house. Take this one step further by putting fans in front of your windows to blow more cool air into your home at night then trap the cool air inside by closing the windows during the warmer parts of the day.
Implementing some small changes can have a big impact on your bill, leaving you with more money for things you actually enjoy spending money on during the summer!