Time is your biggest enemy when escaping from a burning building. In less than 30 seconds, a small flame can get completely out of control and turn into a major fire. It only takes minutes for a house to fill smoke and become engulfed in flames. Proper planning may make the difference between life and death.
When creating an escape plan, incorporate the following elements:
• When coming to a closed door, use the back of your hand to feel the top of the door, the doorknob and the crack between the door and the frame to make sure that the fire is not directly outside. If the door feels hot, use the secondary exit. If the door feels cool, brace yourself against it and open it slowly.
• Do not waste any time trying to save your personal property. Instead, take the safest exit route.
• If you must escape through smoke, crawl low under the smoke and cover your mouth.
• Establish a meeting place outside of the home where everyone knows to go once they are safely out. Designate one person to go to a neighbour’s house to call the fire department.
• Never go back into a burning home for any reason.
Safety First
You and your family should establish an escape plan that outlines at least two exits from each room in your home in the event of a fire. If the primary exit is blocked by fire or smoke, you will need a second way out.
Every member of your family should practise the escape plan each month both in the light and in the dark so that everyone knows how to feel their way out of the house.