“It’s too much work to change.”
Another favorite of mine. Balance these thoughts: How much of your work life isn’t work? Is what you do of value? Do you gain from the effort you put forth? Let’s work on this myth. There may be some effort required on the part of the business in changing its broker of record. Usually it is not the primary decision maker doing the work at all. More often it is our people working with their staffers achieving greater accuracy much more quickly and efficiently than the principals could. The lion’s share of the work falls on our folks and they love it. We strive to have our people working at least 80% of their time within their natural talents. For the most part, we succeed. There are many advantages possible in investigating the possibility of moving to Swift Insurance. Having another set of eyes on the risks you face, and another approach on how to avoid, mitigate or minimize those risks is always advantageous, and best-in-class risk analysis software specific to your business closes the remaining gaps. Getting it right before a loss occurs is far superior to the scramble that ensues when it wasn’t quite right and business owners can relax more when they are confident that all that can be done has been done. Our systematic professional approach is much more comprehensive than, “Oh yeah I did one like this back in the 80s, just before we got our first fax machine.”
Lets Talk – 1 888-763-8635 (Toll Free)