Now lots of people think they are getting the best deal on their home insurance, but that is usually not the case! There are all kinds of discounts available and some brokerages simply just don’t tell you about them and we’re ready to share them with you! If you feel like you apply for any of these discounts call us from this number 3067638635 or start a chat with us from the chat box to see if you apply.
Credit Score Discount (5 – 30%)
If you give us permission we will not personally see your credit score, but the rating system will take it into account and issue a discount up to 30% depending on your rating.
Claims Free Discount (10 – 15%)
Usually requires you to have at least 3 years claims free with an insurance company, but is also sometimes available to first time home owners.
Alarm/Security Systems Discount (15 – 25%)
Usually requires you to have a monitored alarm system, but sometimes a discount can be applied for a local non monitored alarm system and if it monitors fire as well as intrusion let your broker know because there’s often a discount.
Mortgage Free Discount (5 – 10%)
If your home is mortgage free and paid off you likely apply for this discount.
Multi Line Discount (5 -10%)
If you have multiple vehicles and a house but have them with different insurance companies you apply for a cheaper insurance rate when you group your policies together with one company.
Age Discount (5 – 20%)
Age discounts usually start when the owner of the home turns 40.
New Home Discount (1 -30%)
Available on newer homes, usually only homes that are 20 years old or newer can qualify for some form of discounting on your home insurance.
Other ways to receive a discount …
Simply Ask for a Discount
I know that sounds a little strange, but there are all kinds of discounts available on different types of insurance as well as other insurance companies and at Swift Insurance we do our absolute best to save you money so if you are interested if you apply for any discounts give us a call and we will be more than happy to assist you with finding them!
Raise your Deductible
Now this one is pretty obvious, maybe some brokers don’t even tell you, but if you are pretty confident in not having a claim situation arise that is low cost, you can lower your deductible and save money on your premium.
Once again if you feel like you apply for any of these discounts tap the image below to contact us and we will be more then happy to help!