Everybody likes to catch a financial break every now and then! Well, I certainly can provide you with a fantastic way to do this!
It is a proven fact that people with good personal credit are generally “low-risk” clients. Why? People who care for their finances are also those who typically care for their homes, autos, farms, and businesses. They are more likely to keep things repaired and in good working order and are less likely to file claims over every little situation that comes up.
Because of this, many insurance companies offer a discount called “Credit Score Discount”. This discount is available for home, tenant, condo, farm and some commercial policies. You can save anywhere from 1-30% on your annual insurance premium, depending on your rating and the insurance company. This could be a significant saving!
Here is the great part! Consenting to credit scoring does not have a negative affect on your credit rating. It is what is referred to as a “soft hit”, so it will not impact your credit score. Another amazing thing, this does not affect your premium if you do not have the best credit. The worst that can happen is that your premium stays the same without a discount.
So what are you waiting for?! You can opt into this amazing discount by calling us at 1-833-277-9438 or emailing us at hello@csinsure.ca today!