Charity Donations

A significant portion of our charitable giving budget goes toward multi-year commitments, which are in areas where we feel we can make a meaningful difference in our communities. These have included Mont St. Joseph, The E. A. Rawlinson Center, The Art Hauser Center, The Alfred Jenkins Center, Save Our Slides, Prince Albert Food Bank, MADD Prince Albert, Prince Albert Winter Festival and much, much more! Our current commitments are to Cooke Municipal Golf Course improvements and Junior Men’s World Softball Championships. We continue to support numerous smaller local initiatives and welcome inquiries and requests for support, as we apply assistance and funds where we see that Swift Insurance can be of the most benefit.
In a world where the needs are so great, we have difficulty choosing who we could and should support. Many credible, reputable organizations would benefit from our assistance therefore we must discern where our support for those in need is best allocated.
For more information on our charitable programs, or on our application process, please contact
Shantel Kalika – CSO