Canada has declared a state of emergency due to COVID-19 and it is imperative that we do our best to reduce the spread to help flatten the curve on infections. We have prepared a list of 5 ways you can help reduce the spread of this virus.
1. Wash Your Hands
This can’t be said enough. This is one of the most effective ways of reducing the spread of COVID-19. Make sure you’re completely washing your hands for at least 20 seconds and if you’re unsure of how to properly wash your hands, download the full hand washing guide provided by the Public Health Agency of Canada here.
2. Stay Home
If it isn’t important or if it can wait, don’t go! Stay home and stay safe. If you must go out, be sure it is absolutely necessary. For example, a skidoo rally can wait, while getting groceries is a necessity. If you must leave home, make sure to maintain proper physical distancing advised by the Public Health Agency of Canada here.
3. Self-Isolate if You’re Feeling Symptoms
If you are feeling the symptoms of COVID-19 you can complete the online self-assessment provided by the Government of Canada here. After completion of the self-assessment, you will be advised on what your next actions should be.
Additionally, a list of supplies to have at home while isolating can be found here.
4. Don’t Have People Over
This one ties into staying home, but often people think they are fine to have their friends or family over because they’re at home. This is not the case. You should not be having anyone over except those that live in your household, unless it is absolutely necessary.
5. Don’t Touch Your Eyes, Nose or Mouth
The face, specifically your eyes, nose and mouth are the most common ways for someone to contract COVID-19. Try to refrain from touching these parts of your body all together, but for sure prior to washing your hands. Lots of people are now wearing face masks not only to help protect themselves from the virus, but also to help them stop touching these key parts of their body.
Again, it is imperative we do all that we can to help stop the spread of COVID-19. We are at a crucial point and we need everyone in Canada to pitch in! Stay home and stay safe!