Coronavirus | Don’t Leave Your Home For Insurance
March 16, 2020
Our Available Services Personal Insurance ...
Snow Removal Safety Guide: Snow Plows & Blowers
November 29, 2019
Using a snow blower or snow plow can be the perfect way to give your back a break from shoveling snow. However, it is important to take the proper safety precautions to avoid unnecessary injury while clearing snow this winter with your snow blower or snow plow.
Here are some important precautions to take before you...
Can You Dig Anytime You Want on Your Property?
August 13, 2019
If you are considering digging into the ground on your property, put down that shovel. Under federal and provincial law, all homeowners and contractors are required to notify the appropriate utility companies before doing any excavation work.
Dig Safe System
To help you comply with this legislation many utility companies have banded together to form the Dig...
3 Primary Causes of Power Surges
July 9, 2019
Power surges occur when the voltage running through your home’s electrical system unexpectedly spikes to a level beyond what your electronic appliances are designed to handle. Depending on the strength of the surge, this could mean minor damage or complete destruction of your electronics. Don’t Let a Power Surge Cost You
Knowing what causes a power...
The Dos and Don’ts Of Honking your Horn
May 14, 2019
The only real legal purpose of a car horn is to ensure safety and it should never be used unnecessarily. Below we will highlight some typical dos and don’ts when it comes to using your horn. DO - Honk your horn if someone is veering into your lane and is going to cause a collision....
5 Safe Countries to Travel in 2019
April 12, 2019
With the world in its current state, you can never be too safe when considering destinations to travel outside of North America. Below we will cover 5 safe places to travel in 2019. 1. New Zealand
New Zealand is one of the most beautiful & safest countries in the world to travel in 2019! If you...
Ways to Prevent & Insure Cyber Attacks
August 10, 2018
Cyber Attacks - Prevention/ Follow Through & Insurance
Cyber threats are often difficult to understand and identify. The threats include dangers such as viruses erasing entire systems, hackers breaking into systems to alter files, or steal confidential information. The spectrum of cyber risks is limitless; threats, some more serious and sophisticated than others, can have wide-ranging...
Drinking & Driving
May 22, 2018
Did you know? If ever pulled over by an officer who thinks you have been drinking & driving your license would be immediately suspended for the following: If you blew .04 BAC (blood alcohol content) your license will be suspended for 24 hrs as well as a 3 day vehicle impoundment. (1st offence) 2nd offence...
Grass Fires
May 9, 2018
Grass Fires
It is once again that time of year when fires are on everyone’s mind. Let’s take a look at how property insurance, such as homeowners, or farm insurance responds with respect to grass fires. A grass fire, regardless of the cause (lightning, burn off getting out of control, arson – not set by you,...